Saturday, August 18, 2007

Another One

Why am i writing another one?.. Its easiest to write when your mind is blank, as mine is now. I have to discuss a silly case study at 10 am tomorrow, something about a fictitious coal washeries company. Its like in Swami and friends. Whenever the issue of conflict came up between the Finance and Operations departments, the only thing i can think of is what they had for breakfast that morning. Apparently the contents of a breakfast directly determine your mood that day.

This theory proposed by Douglas Adams, not related to the Addams family, was based on a eon long study in the AlephNought-Donut XXB planet of the Sol-Ution star system. The entire population of the planet was subjected to varying amounts of corn-flakes and bread in the morning, them being substitute products (clap, cheer.. micro-economics baby), and drenched in a milk, uranium colloid. This made the inhabitants extremely strong and early risers. A parallel breakfast of worms also began to be served (early birds get worms) and the supply of these was contracted to a firm in bangalore. Bangalore had very little place to grow worms, so it was sub-contracted to New York City, that had ample wasteland next to Times-Square.

As earth-worms are beneficial to agriculture, apple cultivation was badly hit in NY City, big apples from Washington beat the big apples from Big Apple in a farm fair held in the Rose Garden, this rudely shocked the red and black and brown-necked people from the Divided States of America (Version 4.1, Die a Little Harder). A war was declared on AlephNought-Donut XXB, In which the Divided States claimed victory, before the first paper-kites were launched against the planet, forty-two light years away.

If it takes so much time for light to reach there, it'll take paper kites longer. So, be patient and wait for further posts. Will keep you informed.

1 comment:

Ramya said...

apples, kites, light years all in one???!!??!!... u sure u werent drunk when u wrote this??