Friday, August 3, 2007


Since everyone i know, including the idiots, have their own blogs,i decided to jump in the fray. I am just another normal guy, and will certainly attempt to bore you with the details of my meaningless life just like anyone else. All our lives seem to be open books, finding people to read them is the challenge. Gutenberg fucked up a few hundred years ago, and so instead of grazing cattle in a healthy atmosphere, we lead over-extended lives in air-conditioned rooms, writing html code for sites very few people will ever care to read (Java and J2EE too, harder, but just as sad).

Anyway, this open book of mine, with my philosophically pessimistic BS will be eminently unreadable. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

Getting back to analysing why people write blogs.. is it a sense of insecurity? People spend their entire lives looking for fame and money. Money is easy to come-by now, with exorbitant unsustainable salaries being the norm. But fame is another thing, charging at machine-gun nests, hoisting flags in little islands (US marines, in hawaii) is the thing of the last generation. This Generation X, or Y or whatever letter of the alphabet which is in vogue now, will have little opportunity for conflict. Whatever wars that are fought will be with weapons of mass destruction, with computers flying the darts to the intended location. So the captain on the field can only do so much when he says "charge" and gets shot up badly. Such easy ways to glory are closed to us, so in an attempt to show that our little lives can make a difference we write blogs. Putting addresses in gtalk status lines, orkut profiles etc.

For more articles to push you into depths of depression, check this space

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